
Rupa Trail

Start: Mezzana-Sorzento Forest road
Arrival: Ponteacco
Uphill connected trails:
Downhill connected trails: 749
Lenght: 985 mt.
Negative difference in height: 194 mt
Positive difference in height: 2 mt.
Average time: 7 min.
Trail type:EN/AM/XC
ITA classification:Expert

Trail 11

Rupa Trail

Start: Mezzana-Sorzento Forest road
Arrival: Ponteacco
Uphill connected trails:
Downhill connected trails: 749
Lenght: 985 mt.
Negative difference in height: 194 mt
Positive difference in height: 2 mt.
Average time: 7 min.
Trail type:EN/AM/XC
ITA classification:Expert

The access to the Rupa Trail is reachable by descending from the Mezzana/Makota interpodal road about a hundred meters after the S.Dorotea Trail.
This trail is characterized by an initial part full of technical bends, even in counter-slope, intertwined with some sections with the presence of challenging passages between some rocks.
The final part, inside a gully, is the most difficult to interpret and has technical passages even on steep terrain with little grip.
Route suitable for experienced riders.
Given the characteristics of the trail, it is not recommended to ride it in case of wet terrain.

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